About Us

Our Conquest Is the Sea of Stars.

This year, you are our Valentine!
Every gift you have made to College of Nursing Sciences, St.Charles Borromeo Specialist Hospital community, over the years has been a part of an historic movement to keep the college.
Thank you!
For the many scholarships to our students through Dr. Reka fodor of Afreka foundations..
For currently helping us with the big project of erecting a 5-storeyed building for the students comfort..
Thank you!
We appreciate your gifts and commitments to the College of Nursing family.
Thank you for all the ways you love us.
A love in LEARNING indeed has a lot to do with learning that we are loved.
It was a great pleasure having you around.
Happy valentine’s day from all of us at College of Nursing Sciences, St. Charles Borromeo Onitsha
Valentine with Hungary Helps

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Valentine with Hungary Helps

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Lorem ipsum

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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Praesent feugiat eleifend nisi quis scelerisque. ​